The art of Public Speaking

Thu, 13 Dec, 2018

11 benefits of PlanetSpark’s Early years reading course for kids!

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About Our English Reading Course For Early Years Kids

What a beautiful habit, reading! Developing literacy skills early on in life can help your kids not only read and write fluently but also improve their public speaking skills. There are several activities you can take on with your kids to get them into the regular habit of reading. Getting them enrolled in an online reading course is one such aspect. And that’s exactly where we come in!

We can help your kids develop their reading skills in an exciting and fun way. Furthermore, we use research-intensive techniques to build their literacy skills. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s find out how your kids can benefit from PlanetSpark’s reading for early years children.

  • Improve at pleasure reading and academic reading effectively by improving your kids’ reading speed and comprehension

  • Your kids will learn to increase their reading speed

  • Your kids will remember information for longer periods of time

  • Your kids will learn different reading methods

  • Furthermore, your kids will develop and improve their comprehension skills

  • Lastly, your kids will learn to have a deeper, more complex understanding of reading material

PlanetSpark offers the best online course for your child to develop reading skills. Book a FREE class NOW!

Benefits Of Best Reading Class For Early Year Student

Here, we are summarising the benefits of PlanetSpark’s English reading training for early years kids:

  • Small Groups of students for better understanding

At PlanetSpark, we focus on delivering early years reading classes in small groups of students. It allows our teachers to pay close and equal attention to all students.

  • Regular interactions with teachers

Your kids will have the opportunity to engage in regular interactions with teachers and fellow students with one of the best and most effective reading training for early years students.

  • Trained and qualified teachers

All teachers are trained, reviewed, and experts in their areas of expertise. Furthermore, Our teachers for the course, reading for early years children, are highly qualified language mastering experts who have aced our own PSAT (PlanetSpark Aptitude Test), which is taken by over a million teachers worldwide.

  • Student evaluation of their current skills

All enrolling students are evaluated to determine their starting point of English reading habits and skills. Each student starts the learning reading for early years level courses based on their current speaking levels.

  • Fun learning experience

We introduce the concept of the early years reading training course in a fun, immersive, and engaging way.

  • Live feedback

Your kids will get live feedback regarding their performance on the early years reading training course from their teachers.

  • No limits to what your kids can learn

After completing these early years reading classes from PlanetSpark, your kids will be able to read like a pro.

  • Unlimited resources for practice

With one of the most useful reading training for early years courses, your kids will have access to practice videos, session recordings, session summaries, and more.

  • Comprehensive course module

Our comprehensive module of this course on early years reading classes helps students overcome their fear of public speaking, boost their confidence, enhance their overall personality development

, and more.

  • Speak confidently, anywhere and anytime!

With this course on early years reading classes from PlanetSpark, your kids will learn to speak with confidence, keeping behind any fear of public speaking. They will become a star in every discussion and inspire their listeners. 

  • Certification programs from best of the best

The certification programs from PlanetSpark are one-of-a-kind. Furthermore, these certification programs are established by Harvard and XLRI professionals who have used reading, public speaking, creative writing concepts, and other skills in their personal and professional lives.

Book a FREE class NOW!

What Your Kids Shall Gain After The Course? Curriculum Details Of Reading Training For Early Years Student

We include the top 5 keys to reading success in our curriculum to help your kids make the most of their online reading sessions. 

  • Phonemic awareness: In this course on early years reading training from PlanetSpark, your kids will learn the ability to hear and manipulate the different sounds in words.

  • Phonics: Secondly, your kids will be able to establish a connection between letters and the sounds they make.

  • Vocabulary: Your kids will understand the meaning of words, their definitions, and their context.

  • Reading comprehension: Moving further ahead in the course, your kids will understand the meaning of texts – both in storybooks and information books with this course on reading training for early years from PlanetSpark.

  • Fluency: Lastly, your kids will learn the ability to read aloud with speed, understanding and accuracy by the end of this online reading course.

Looking for the best reading course for your child to develop their reading skills? Book a FREE class with us and start developing your child’s reading skills!

Reading Class For Early Years Children: Activities And Worksheets

We completely understand how tiring and boring it can get for children to spend their entire time sitting in a spot trying to comprehend their online classes and develop a new skill. Thus, we have curated this learning reading for early years level course with special care and thought. Your kids will not only enhance their reading skills but they will also do so in a fun, immersive, and engaging manner. With this course on early years reading training from PlanetSpark, you kids shall be able to pay more attention to the course content and personal development. Let’s find out what we’ve got in store for your kids.

  • Live skill-based content

  • Learning games with powerful technology

  • A learning experience combined with fun and interactive games

  • Engaging and immersive learning games with cartoons

  • Scientifically designed quizzes and assessments

  • Get over 1500 explanation videos

Worksheets for this reading training for early years student, designed by experts, are aligned with the school syllabus and comes with the following cutting-edge premium features:

  • Worksheets are based on STEPS methodology

  • Worksheets offer guided practice for better understanding

  • Repetition in this course on reading for early years children program  from PlanetSpark for long-term retention

  • Worksheets help your kids get in the habit of regular practice

For more information, talk to our experts NOW!


  1. Where will the reading classes take place?

Your kids can take these classes from anywhere at their convenience. However, a laptop or desktop with a good internet connection for facilitating live classes is required.

  1. How frequent are these early years reading classes?

At PlanetSpark, we recommend 2 classes per week so that your kids get ample amount of time to absorb and practise reading and learning. However, it is completely up to you to decide. Eventually, you can decide how you want your kids to pace the online reading course. Eventually, you can decide whether your kids will attend more or fewer classes every week.

  1. How do you batch students at PlanetSpark?

We group your kids into batches based on their proficiency and the preferred timing of the class. 

  1. What are the benefits of your course on reading training for early years students?

Benefits are numerous: one-on-one learning sessions, repeated learning for deep understanding, progress tracking, interactive activities, and more.

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