
Mon, 17 Jun, 2019

The History of Coffee in the United States: From Kaldi's Discovery to Modern Consumption!

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Discovery Of Coffee Beans

coffee cup with roasted coffee beans

According to a 1671 account, the ninth-century Ethiopian goat-herder Kaldi discovered coffee. One day, while on the countryside of the Ethiopian kingdom Kaffa with his goats, Kaldi observed that one of his goats was behaving abnormally after consuming a medium-sized dark green bush fruit. He was astonished to see the goat’s behavior.  

Surprised by the effects of coffee beans, he took some of those berries to the monastery to know what had happened. The chaplain in the monastery threw those berries into the fire, claiming them as a diabolical temptation. Soon after, the distinct and delicious scent of roasted coffee wafted from the fire, enchanting the monks. They salvaged those magic berries, that is, beans from the fire, and prepared the very first cup of coffee.

How It Entered The United States

cup of coffee

Capt. John Smith and his soldiers established the first colony in the United States, the territory of Virginia in Jamestown, in 1607. With numerous travels worldwide, the eager explorer became acquainted with coffee during his journey in Turkey, and loved its aroma and flavor. He finally carried it aboard a ship to the future United States. Coffee gradually gained popularity in the neighborhood, and Dorothy Jones became the first individual in Boston to get a coffee license in 1670.

In 1850, the popularity of coffee consumption grew further, with the first coffee company being established in San Francisco. Pioneer Steam Coffee and Spice Mills was the first enterprise known to market and mass manufacture coffee. Thereafter, coffee became immensely popular among the population.


As discussed above, coffee was brought to the United States by Capt. John Smith in the sixteenth century. Since then, it became popular in the neighboring areas. Dorothy Jones was the first individual to get a coffee license. At present, coffee is most widely consumed in the United States.

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  1. When did coffee gain popularity in the United States?

Coffee trees arrived in the United States in the early 18th century. Until the Boston Tea Party of 1773, the drink did not become popular in America when switching from tea to coffee became a patriotic duty.

  1. Why is coffee so popular in the United States?

Coffee’s popularity in the United States may be traced back to the Revolutionary War when a group of outraged colonists hurled crates of tea overboard, protesting British taxation.

  1. Which is the most consumed beverage in the United States?

Coffee is the most consumed beverage in the United States. It has become a staple drink of Americans. Students, employees, workers, and everyone consume it on a large scale.

  1. Who was the first one to get a coffee license?

Dorothy Jones was the first individual in Boston to get a coffee license in 1670.

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