Grammar Fanatic

Mon, 30 Nov, 2020

Teach Tenses to a Class 3 kid in the easiest way!

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The three tenses describing the time of action are present tense, past tense, and future tense. Present tense depicts the verb in the current time as to what is happening presently. The past tense expresses the events that have already happened, while the future tense is used for the events that are supposed to happen. There are rules and types in each type of tense that will be explained thoroughly in the article below. This article is a one-stop guide for the Class 3 English Grammar Tenses For Kids, with rules and a few practice examples.  

The Present Tense 

There are 4 types of present tenses, and these are as follows; 

  • Simple present tense – While writing a sentence in the simple present tense, the student must keep in mind the general rule: subject + first form of the verb (v1) + s/es + …. A few examples of Simple Present Tense For Class 3 are:

1. My mother wishes to hire a cook (verb - wish)

2. Jason studies French (Verb - study)

3. The child plays in the park. (Verb – play)

4. My birthday falls on September 8. (Verb – fall) 

  • Present Continuous Tense – The rule for writing a sentence in present continuous tense is, subject + is/am/are + verb (ing) +…. It describes an action that continues to happen in the present. The examples are as follows:

1. My father is playing the piano (Verb – play)

2. We are not coming for tea in the evening. (Verb – come)

3. My grandparents are living in a house two blocks away from us. (Verb – live)

4. We are going to the wedding. (Verb – go)

  • Present Perfect Tense is written as subject + has/have + verb (ed) +…. This tense is used to describe actions that have happened in the past, but also has a present expression. For example:

1. Smith has lived in Denmark for a long time. (Verb – live)

2. My sisters have worked on the report from long ago. (Verb – work)

3. My friend has done her graduation from London. (Verb – do)

4. I have not received the invitation to Sara's wedding. (Verb – receive) 

  • Present perfect continuous tense – This type can be written as subject + has been/have been + verb (ing) + …… For example:

1. Sara has been completing her drawing since this morning. (Verb – complete)

2. My uncle has been working overtime recently. (Verb – work)

3. I have been complaining about work a lot. (Verb – complain)

Follow the link given to know more about the CBSE Class 3 English Grammar Tenses. Click Here and if you want to learn English from a language Expert, then BOOK a FREE Class NOW! 

The Past Tense

The past tense describes an action in the past and has 4 types. These are:

  • Simple Past Tense – While writing a sentence in the simple past tense, the student must keep in mind the general rule: subject + verb (v1) + ed + …. A few examples are:

1. Deepika worked a lot yesterday (Verb - work)

2. My teacher called my parents to school yesterday. (Verb - call)

3. My mother baked the cake for us. (Verb – bake)

4. We turned off the engine of the car. (Verb – turn)

  • Past Continuous Tense – The rule for writing a sentence in past continuous tense is subject + was/were + verb (ing) +…. It is used to describe an action that continues to happen in the present but occurred in the past. The examples are as follows:

1. My son was doing his homework during the afternoon. (Verb – do)

2. We were watching at night. (Verb – watch)

3. Dane was arriving by cab this morning. (Verb – arrive)

4. Mother was knitting the clothes for her baby. (Verb – knit)

  • Past Perfect Tense is written as subject + had + verb (ed) +…. This tense is used to describe actions that have happened in the past. For example:

1. Ria had finished her exam. (Verb – finish)

2. I had paid my tuition fee last month. (Verb – pay)

3. My mother had worked in a corporate firm before. (Verb – work)

4. Varun had cried during his surgery. (Verb – cry) 

  • Past Perfect Continuous Tense – This type of tense can be written as subject + had been + verb (ing) + …… For example:

1. My daughter had been waiting for two hours. (Verb – wait)

2. The kids had not been studying very hard. (Verb – study)

3. Sam has been doing a lot of work recently. (Verb – do)

4. My daughter had been working hard for a long time. (Verb – work) 

Follow the link given to learn more about the Rules For Tenses In English Grammar. Click Here and BOOK a FREE Class!

The Future Tense 

The future tense is used to describe an action in the future and has 4 types. These are:

  • Simple Future Tense – This type of tense is used to describe an action that is supposed to happen in the future. While writing a sentence in the simple future tense, the student must keep in mind the general rule, that is, subject + will/shall + verb (v1) + …. A few examples are:

  1. My brother will visit Germany next month. (Verb – visit)

  2. Saran shall play football in the evening. (Verb – play)

  3. We will go to the church tomorrow. (Verb – go)

  4. I shall purchase a new computer next year. (Verb – purchase) 

  • Future Continuous Tense – The rule for writing a sentence in future continuous tense is subject + will be + verb (ing) +…. It is used to describe an action that will continue to happen in the future. The examples are as follows:

1. My friend will be dancing all day today. (Verb – dance)

2. We will be taking a train at night. (Verb – take)

3. Greg will be watching sports all afternoon. (Verb – Watch)

4. My children will be enjoying themselves at the party tonight. (Verb – enjoy)

  • Future Perfect Tense – It is written as subject + will have + verb (ed) +…. For example:

1. Ryan will have finished his work before going out of town next month. (Verb – finish)

2. The guests will have arrived at the wedding venue by now. (Verb – arrive)

3. We will play badminton while going to the picnic tomorrow. (Verb – play)

4. My maid will cook us dinner. (Verb – cook)

  • Future perfect continuous tense – This type of tense can be written as subject + have been + verb (ing) + …… For example:

1. She will not have been travelling to Poland in the next three years. (Verb – travel)

2. Jake will have been teaching at the school for more than a year by the time he leaves for Europe. (Verb – Teach)

3. Daniel will have been arriving in Delhi by the third of next month. (Verb – arrive)

4. In July, I will have been working in the company for eight years. (Verb – work)

Follow the link given to learn more about the 3rd Class English Tenses. Click Here! 


Upon reading the article, the student shall be able to understand the use of tenses and their importance in English grammar. The three types of tenses are present, past, and future. Each variety of these tenses is further divided into 4 types that are the perfect tense, continuous tense, simple tense, and the perfect continuous tense. The articles explain rules for Cbse Class 3 English Tenses, with a few examples. The tenses are an integral part of grammar, and thus its practice is essential to improve English writing as well as speaking skills. To learn more about the rules of English grammar, you can follow this link and BOOK a FREE Class with our expert!


1. How can we choose which tense to use?

Answer: It is crucial to understand the timing of the action taking place. Therefore, it is advised to use the simple form of the tense, for example; I live in Delhi is a sentence that is true at all times.

2. What can be done to memorise the rules for tenses?

Answer: Practice is the only way by which a student can learn rules and understand how to apply them in sentences. Work on practice worksheets, tests, and practice papers to get hold of the rules.

3. Why is it important to learn tenses?

Answer: Tenses are important to understand to improve one’s speaking and writing skills. They improve grammar and help to understand the time of action in a better way.

4. Which is the most commonly used tense?

Answer: The most commonly used tense is the present tense, as it talks about the actions which are being done presently.

5. How many total types of tenses are there in English grammar?

Answer: There are a total of 3 main types of tenses; present, past, and future. Each main type is future divided into 4 types, each making a total of 12 tenses.

Tenses are just the start! Learn the complete English Language in 60 days by enrolling in PlanetSpark Excellence Course! Book a FREE Class NOW!

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