
Mon, 17 Aug, 2020

Messy Bedroom vs Clean Bedroom - Debate of a lifetime

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An argument or a structured argument where people participating in the same intellectual argument discuss and explore a topic from opposite ends is known as a debate. The "Pro" side includes those who agree with this statement or viewpoint. The "Con" side includes those who disagree with this statement or notion. Each side will demonstrate why they feel they have the correct answers orderly and smartly. They will support their views with examples and evidence as they conclude.

Now that we have learned what a debate is, let us debate on messy bedrooms vs clean bedrooms. PlanetSpark can help you clear your doubts or make you more informed. We provide online debate classes for middle school children to make them confident and bring them the necessary skills for debates. Visit our website today!

What does a Messy Room Say About Your Personality?

Let us make something clear to you; it has been statistically proven throughout different research that we have enforced to our children that cleaning their room is important. It is extremely similar to why we want them to eat their vegetables. It's more symbolic than rational. We're concerned because of the limited emotional threshold for our mess, even confined mess from other people. However, we agree that cleaning your room is important, but we suggest that you let children do what they want with their bedrooms.

To understand the psychology behind a messy room, let us know at least three reasons why a messy bedroom is good for kids

  1. Creation of comfort zone: Perhaps an unclean environment isn't such a bad thing because a messy desk is a sign of genius. Keeping aside the debate on messy room vs clean room, we have to agree that a child's room should be comfortable for them. So, as a parent, consider establishing a few ground rules, such as putting filthy clothes in the hamper, bringing dirty plates and food packing to the kitchen as soon as possible, and then letting your child be.

  2. Pick your battles: Consider if you're ready to lose the battle for a clean bedroom to conserve energy for the one you're not. Though dirt can become hazardous for your child, a mere clutter of toys, clothes, books, or other daily usage materials will hardly cause any issue or any real damage to your child. Messy rooms say about your child's personality, so let their personality come through.

  3. You might be making it about yourself: Some parenting issues arise from parents' need to control their child's life amid the volatility of life. Consider if cleaning your room is important for your child's benefit or is more about you and how you want the room to look.

However, some questions remain, like, Is a messy desk a sign of a genius? Are messy rooms signs of intelligence. Want to discuss about such interesting topics? BOOK a FREE Session NOW!

Let us debate Messy Bedroom vs Clean Bedroom

The concept that a clean desk makes you more productive, on the other hand, might not be the most accurate thing to teach your children. It is so because a section of society believes that a messy bedroom is good for your kid. Research shows that students with messy rooms have more interesting and creative ideas. So, let children do what they want with their bedrooms.

While we debate on messy rooms vs clean rooms, let us remember a question, "If a busy desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, then what is an empty desk a sign of?" famously asked Albert Einstein. It is a saying that a messy desk is a sign of genius. The debate on messy room vs cleanroom is far from over; however, let us check out the cleanroom side of the debate.

Why cleaning your room is important?

When we say that cleaning your room is important, we truly mean it. A cleanroom has its effects as well. We wouldn't suggest that you force your kids to keep their rooms clean; let them do what they want with their bedrooms.

However, some of the benefits of cleaning their room are important for your child is that it helps your kid understand their state of mind and enhances their self-esteem. Simple habits like making their bed early in the morning might help them feel more in control of their lives. The psychology behind messy rooms is that it discourages clearer decision-making. As a parent, we always have to encourage children to do things that they are lazy to do. Some of the best tips for motivating kids are -   

  • Encourage them to clean by giving simple rewards on completion.

  • Make cleaning a parent-child activity. Please invite them to the activity and compliment them on achieving it.

  • Make your kid understand the negative aspects of what a messy room says about your personality.

  • The best way is to make a routine and motivate your kid to follow it.

Now that you have read about the importance of clean and messy rooms, can you decide the best kind of room for your child? The answer remains the same – Let your children do what they want with their bedrooms.

As a parent, if you are a person who likes to be less philosophical, you may explain that your children should keep their rooms neat because messy rooms are inefficient and unattractive. But, again, it's not your place, so why should you be concerned? You may blame it on hygiene, but the number of kids who contract serious diseases due to inadequate room hygiene remains astonishingly low, as far as studies have been seen. Other reasons exist for not constantly bothering youngsters about cleaning up their rooms. They work hard at school and have very little energy when they come home. It's psychologically vital to give kids some control and a place to call their own. So, let children do whatever they want to do with their bedrooms, it will help them develop their individuality and become better persons as they grow up.

The debate that we had just now seemed quite interesting, didn't it? Would you like your child to have similar debate skills? PlanetSpark prepares your kid to be a good debater in our online debate classes for middle school. Check out PlanetSpark and get to know more details to enroll your child today. 

Why choose PlanetSpark?

PlanetSpark is a platform that uses cutting-edge technology to help your child flourish. The PlanetSpark platform allows kids to take live online debate classes for middle school. Our mentors use some of the best tips for motivating kids: teaching English communication, public speaking, grammar, creative writing, debate, vlogging, and other "new age" skills. PlanetSpark aims to make traditional and disorganised tuition obsolete with their virtual classroom. Not just that, it will bring you the best tips for motivating kids to encourage debate.

PlanetSpark will educate and build confidence in your children. The mentors at PlanetSpark employ a variety of activities to help your kid master these physical and mental skills. The instructors and educators employ a variety of exercises to enhance debate skills, which will benefit your child's creative thinking and problem-solving abilities and assist you and give the best tips for motivating kids every day. BOOK a FREE Class with our Expert to know more details.


  • What is debate?

An argument or a structured argument where people participating in the same intellectual argument discuss and explore a topic from opposite ends is known as a debate. The pro and the con sides will support their views with examples and evidence as they progress toward a conclusion. You can check out the best tips for motivating kids to try their hands at debating.

  • Will Messy room hamper my kid?

Keeping aside the debate on messy room vs clean room, we have to agree that a child's room should be comfortable for them. Messy rooms say about your personality, so let your child's personality come through. Perhaps an unclean environment isn't such a bad thing.

  • A sign of a genius – A messy desk?

Researchers from the University of Minnesota recently compared how effectively students came up with fresh ideas in ordered and chaotic work environments.

  • I love to keep my room clean; how can I teach my children that?

Some parenting issues arise from parents' need to control their child's life amid the volatility of life. Consider if your need for a cleanroom is truly for your child's benefit or is more about you and how you want the room to look.

  • Is a cleanroom good for my kid?

According to studies, clean and well-maintained environments might influence morality and good behavior. Clean environments have also been related to a welcoming influence that encourages clearer decision-making.

  • Can I decide for my kid what is best for them?

The answer remains the same, "No, you can't decide the kind of room your child likes." let your kid do whatever they want to do with their bedrooms; it will help them develop their individuality and become better persons as they grow up.

  • Can PlanetSpark help?

PlanetSpark is a platform that uses cutting-edge technology to help your child flourish. The PlanetSpark platform allows kids to take live online classes in English communication, public speaking, grammar, creative writing, debate, vlogging, and other "new age" skills.

Debating is just the start! Your child will learn all type of new age skills at PlanetSpark! BOOK a FREE Session NOW!

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