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Mon, 21 May, 2018

How to Be a Terrific Friend: Tips for Building and Maintaining Strong Friendships!

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How To Be A Terrific Friend?

Two best friends

Friendships offer you a feeling of connection, relieve stress, and increase self-confidence. It aids you in getting through difficult moments and makes it simpler to resist bad habits. According to research, adults with social connections are less vulnerable to experiencing difficulties, hypertension, or high body mass indexes. Older persons with a large social circle may even live longer. On the other hand, how do you go about being a great friend? Continue reading to learn more.

Tips For Being A Terrific Friend

A group of 3 friends

  1. Being good

Friends that are good to one other say beautiful things to one another. They encourage and compliment each other. Consequently, you should feel good about yourself and assist your friends to feel good.

  1. Be There for Them

Helping your buddy feel better in emotional moments when they are depressed or blue is a beautiful friend thing to do.

  1. Appreciate the Distinctions

All of your pals can't share the same hobbies or interests as you. Have an open mind even if your hobbies and theirs do not coincide. Try out your friend's hobbies to see whether you enjoy them. If you don't, keep in mind that excellent friends support one other even when they have different interests.

  1. Listen Attentively

Make sure you're paying attention and not interrupting your pal. Both partners in a strong friendship are engaged in what each has to say.

  1. Be a Reliable Companion

Good friends don't pass judgment and keep private information secret.

  1. Reciprocal Connection

Being a great friend entails more than simply listening to your pal or vice versa. Strong friendships are reciprocal; no one individual should be the centre of attention. Again, you should make each other happy and encourage one other.


It is critical to value your close pals. If an issue arises, express your concern and willingness to listen to your buddy. Then try to work through the problems. It can help you connect with your friend while growing as a couple. Friendships built on understanding and respect and understanding endure a lifetime. 

When you genuinely appreciate a buddy, you encourage them also when they require distance from you. Allow them to go if they need to, even if it is painful. Allow them to develop and evolve into a complete version of themselves.

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  1. What to look for in a good friend?

  • They're considerate.

  • They're distinct.

  • They're dependable.

  • They're Beneficial.

  • They're respectful to one other.

  1. What distinguishes a best friend?

Best friends are true friends that appreciate you for who and what you are always. They're also trustworthy enough to inform you if they're not a decent buddy.

  1. What is the definition of a real friend?

A true friend is the one you can rely on in times of need.

  1. During a fight, how should a good friend act?

Good friends deal with disputes courteously and respect each other's limits.

  1. What are the three different sorts of friendships?

Aristotle recognised three types of friendship: pleasure, utility, and virtue friendships.

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