The art of Public Speaking

Tue, 13 Aug, 2019

3 Benefits of an English pronunciation course for 7th-grade children!

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About English Pronunciation Course for class 7

Pronunciation in different languages

We are all aware that knowing the correct pronunciations for words we learn and use is vital. However, it is also true that many children struggle with learning the correct pronunciations, which carries on throughout their lives. "Improve your child's confidence and communication skills with 3 benefits of the English pronunciation course for 7th-grade children!!

While it seems harmless on the face of it, speaking words incorrectly can have some serious consequences. For example, mixing up a word with another similar-sounding word can completely alter the meaning of what one is saying. 

This would go on to the listener understanding something entirely different than what the speaker is trying to communicate. 

Secondly, even when understood correctly, improper pronunciations can often leave a bad impression on the listener, which becomes a serious consequence if the listener is someone important, like a teacher assessing a child's oral speaking capabilities or an interviewer assessing a candidate's suitability for a job.

Since pronunciations hold such vital importance in a person's life, it is important to ensure that every individual is taught the correct pronunciations of words from a young age. PlanetSpark's English pronunciation Course for 7th grade is ideal for resolving this issue. 

Children studying in the 7th standard are at the cusp of becoming independent individuals who are trying to find their interests and learning many things, engaging in a lot of activities to figure out what they want to do in the future. During this time, children are also interacting with a lot of people. 

It is important to ensure that they are armed with the appropriate knowledge they need to carry out fluent and unhindered conversations with other people. 

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Benefits of PlanetSpark Classes (CTA)

There are several benefits to enrolling your child in PlanetSpark's courses. PlanetSpark conducts many different English courses that teach children pronunciation, including their most popular public speaking and creative writing courses. 

In all of their courses, children develop strong English language skills. The English pronunciation course for 7th-grade children is one of them. This is made possible because PlanetSpark's approach is child-centric. 

They focus on every aspect of learning English, beginning with the basics. Their curriculums include many detailed topics like phonics, vocabulary, grammar, sentence construction, reading, reciting, pronunciations, and much more.

There are various benefits of enrolling your children in PlanetSpark's pronunciation classes for class 7, including: -

  1. Expertly designed child-centric curriculum

The curriculum for every course is designed by experts in the subject matter. The courses are designed to actively engage children in the learning process. The medium of instruction at PlanetSpark is not the teacher dictating or teaching concepts to the child alone. 

The teaching process requires children to be active and engaged in the class. To do so, the curriculum is gamified to make it more appealing to the child. It is also made to be understandable by the child and at the same time jog his brain and push and encourage them to learn something new. 

  1. Live Classes

At PlanetSpark, the primary focus is on ensuring that every child who enrolls gets undivided attention and quality education. The classes are taught live and one-on-one, which means that your child will be the only one learning at a particular time. This is done to accomplish several things. 

Firstly, the child feels safer as he has no peers to be embarrassed by during the learning process. Secondly, the teacher can give them their undivided attention. Thirdly, the live classes allow children to clarify all their doubts then and there and better understand the concept. Lastly, it helps the teacher understand every child's need and design and modify her teaching methodology accordingly.

  1. Practical Learning

Practical learning is a big part of the PlanetSpark teaching pedagogy. Children are continuously engaged in activity-based learning and provided various worksheets which help them recollect what was taught to them, come up with questions and doubts and clarify them with the teacher. 

The practical learning approach is also accomplished through various global scale activities, and competitions wherein children can participate and learn from other students' work on a global scale. PlanetSpark is present throughout the world and has a truly global community of students who participate in these activities.


Curriculum Details (Duration and Price)

PlanetSpark offers various courses like Public Speaking, Spelling, Grammar, and Vocab Wonder, in which students are taught about pronunciations. The English pronunciation Course for 7th grade is not itself a course at PlanetSpark.

Pronunciations are taught with the help of simple concepts like phonics. Phonics is understanding the relationships between different letters that dictate how a certain word is pronounced. It is becoming an essential part of English language education and part of PlanetSpark's curriculum. 

The course duration and price vary depending on which course the child enrolls in and how long. Children can enroll in any course for as little as 30 classes or 165 classes. The different durations provide different levels of education and hence different certifications. 

For example, if your child is enrolled in 30 classes with PlanetSpark, they will receive the Advanced Certification. If they are enrolled for 60 classes, they will receive the Pro-Grad Certification, and if they are enrolled for 165 classes, they will receive the Merit Certification. 

As the classes proceed, the content and activities also increase to cover more topics and subheads within each core topic. More challenging activities and tests are conducted to check the child's learning progress. 

 Book a FREE class NOW with PlanetSpark’s pronunciation classes for 7th grade and make your child learn pronunciation skills NOW!

Pronunciation classes for class 7 activities & worksheets

A teacher teaching pronunciation to students

As with all PlanetSpark Courses, the English pronunciation course for 7th-grade children also consists of various activities and worksheets to make learning fun for the children. In addition to the course curriculum being gamified, the teachers at PlanetSpark are also encouraged to include activities in class to keep the learning process interesting. 

The English pronunciation course for 7th-grade children is taught with the help of many different activities that help children grasp new concepts and ideas quickly. Students are also given certain worksheets either to be completed in class or as homework.

These worksheets help them revisit the topic taught and apply what they understand and remember. Worksheets also allow them to gauge what things they did not understand. Children can then get their queries resolved if they have any. Some of the most popular activities for the English pronunciation Course for 7th grade include: -

  1. Poetry and Rhyming

Poetry and Rhyming recitations are among the most effective ways of teaching students pronunciation. Poetry often requires a very crisp, clear, or even dramatic pronunciation of words. This proves to be helpful for children in understanding new words and how they should be pronounced. Rhyming allows children to associate word pronunciations with other similar-sounding or rhyming words. 

  1. Storytelling

Storytelling works like a wonder. It is an amazing way of gauging how a child pronounces many words and correcting them when they pronounce a word wrong. This game also gets them in a reading habit and makes them familiar with new and unheard words. Storytelling thus does a lot more than just improving pronunciations. 

  1. Tongue Twisters

Tongue twisters are extremely fun, especially for children, and are a wonderful way of teaching children pronunciations. The requirement to keep your mind clear and focus on what you are saying is really helpful for children in learning how to speak words clearly and correctly. After all, a wrong pronunciation would make you lose the game.

PlanetSpark offers the best pronunciation classes for your 7th grade children. What are you waiting for, book a FREE class NOW! 

Importance of Pronunciation classes for class 7

Pronunciation of same word in different languages

An English pronunciation Course for 7th grade is extremely important for various reasons. Children who cannot pronounce words correctly are often afraid of being embarrassed in front of their peers and other people. 

This causes them to become insecure and under confident and shy away from communicating with other people. This can directly affect their performance in school and even their willingness to interact with people outside. Some very important reasons why the English pronunciation Course for 7th grade should be made available to every child include: -

  1. Boosts confidence

When children are confident in their speaking abilities, they feel confident about themselves. The confidence they gain through this makes them more willing to learn without the fear of being corrected in front of others. They are also willing to challenge their abilities and participate in events where their skills may be tested. They are more confident in their approach overall in various aspects of their lives. 

  1. Personality Development

Pronunciations are vital in the personality development of every individual. An individual may get the best education or resources in the world. Still, if they are not speaking correctly or making pronunciation mistakes, they are far less impressive than individuals with fewer resources but impeccable speaking abilities. 

When a person speaks well, their entire personality is affected, and they become much more impressive. 

  1. Builds Communication Skills

Communication skills are vital for every individual, whether in their personal, professional, or social lives. As per various surveys, the careers of tomorrow would depend a lot on an employer and an employee's communication skills. 

Communication skills are vital for putting forward your ideas in a structured and coherent way to further push your career. They are also vital to maintaining personal and social relationships. You will be able to better express your feelings to others, which would effectively help resolve conflicts and create long-lasting relationships. 

A person who is confident in their speaking ability alone can achieve all these things, and thus, pronunciation skills are extremely important.

  1. Develops Language Skills

To be fluent in any language, being familiar with the pronunciations of different words is a primary requirement. Thus, to build English language skills, which are vital in today's world, learning pronunciations of the different words is extremely important. 

PlanetSpark Public Speaking Course Testimonials

  • "I enrolled my Noah in PlanetSpark Public Speaking classes; their teaching staff is really good; they make every session fun, they always come up with new activities.

Noah had been enjoying the PlanetSpark events."




  • "The English classes were really helpful to my child, Moksh. He describes PlanetSpark classes as 'cool' and as his teacher very much.

Kudos! We're just so happy to see Moksh learn with such joy."




For more information, talk to our experts NOW!


  1. What age groups do you teach?

PlanetSpark teaches children between the ages of 4 and 16. They provide various courses at varying levels to suit children of every age group. The courses are divided into categories like early years, intermediate, and so on. Children are assigned to a certain course level based on their age; however, teachers can be taught at a different level based on their existing knowledge. 

  1. What is PlanetSpark, and what do they do?

PlanetSpark is an Edtech Platform that caters to children looking to improve their skills in the English Language. They offer various courses to suit children's needs and cover various aspects of learning English. 

  1. What is the total course duration and fees?

Different courses offered by PlanetSpark cost different amounts. The costs also depend upon the duration for which the child has been enrolled. Parents can choose to enroll their child for a short duration and then gradually increase the length of the course as per their convenience. To know more about duration and fees, visit their website or contact their customer representatives. 

  1. How will parents know if the child is progressing well?

To keep parents updated about their child's progress, PlanetSpark guidelines require teachers to hold Parent-teacher meetings with their parents after every few classes. This also allows parents to know how they need to be engaged with their child's education. They are informed about the child's performance, any upcoming events that would benefit the child, and how they can help the child improve.

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